On this page, a non-exhaustive list of the projects I have contributed in or developed.
Some are very small piece of software but can be usefull.
- Spectral renderers
- Spectral Viewer
- OpenEXR tools
- Other
You also can find me:
Spectral Renderers
I am contributing in the development of MRF, Malia Rendering Framework, a GPU accelerated spectral renderer.

I joined the long time running development of ART, The Advanced Rendering Toolkit, initially developed by Robert f. Tobler, currently maintained by Alexander Wilkie during my year in Czech Republic.

Spectral Viewer
I am participating in the development of an open source spectral image viewer that supports several images formats: ENVI, ART Raw (spectral), OpenEXR, PNG, JPEG…

OpenEXR tools
OpenEXR Viewer
A simple tool I wrote to show detailed information about OpenEXR files. It is yet in a preliminary state.

OpenEXR Thumbnailer (Linux)
Display thumbnails / preview of your OpenEXR files in your file manager:
Install on Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alban-f/openexr-thumbnailer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install openexr-thumbnailer
OpenEXR gThumb extension
gThumb extension to support display of OpenEXR format:
Install on Arch Linux:
yay -Sy
yay -S gthumb-openexr-extension